Hello classmates!
I’m Sara Santos and I’m 18 years old.
I’m Sara Santos and I’m 18 years old.
I live in Seixal, with my mother and my female dog. I have two sisters (Patrícia, 27 and Marisa, 32) and four nephews with ages from 1 to 7 years.
In case you’re wondering about it, they are not that “cute” (specially when they’re all together, they become real devils) and yes, I shout a lot. (I present to you the “dark side” of Sara! >_<)
I love to laugh (I laugh so much that I hiccup sometimes). I also like to sleep, to watch television (I’m totally addicted to it), to go out (as I’ve mentioned), to read, etc. I’m addicted to music, gums, computers, games, TV series, movies, anime, chocolate…and some other things I can’t remember right now.
I’m stubborn, I like to be in command and I get (really) annoyed when things aren’t the way I want them to be. Well, nobody is perfect. Now I’ll let you know about my “bright side”: I see myself as a person who is funny, extrovert, humble, different, that likes to listen and be heard, that worries about her family and friends…I could continue, but I can’t think of any more adjectives that would fit my description and, let’s be honest, it would take away all the fun.
I’m not that evil, so you can talk with me anytime, if you want to get to know me better. ;) *
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