Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Warning for Next Week
Don't know if you'll check the blog, but it's better to leave the warning anyway...
David asked us to bring Short Stories to class next Tuesday, meaning... November 27th, I think. In case you don't remember, Short Stories were a group of copies available at the University copy shop (or whatever it is called) containing a few short stories of various writers.
So... Don't forget to bring it and to read it. ;)
Monday, November 19, 2007
Summary (15-11-07)
Today we started our work by finishing the basic error worksheet (that one with our own mistakes).
Then, we made the exercises 1, 2 and 3 (page 30) of our course book. These exercises were about the text “Imagined Ugly Syndrome” in the same page.
This text showed us how pretty women can feel so badly with themselves, with their body; because they feel they are ugly.
Forward, this took us to another level: Eating disorders. A problem that are affecting most of the time young people but that in particular cases can affect people who are a little bit older. Like those celebrities in the text (Uma Thurman, Geri Halliwel or Winona Ryder). They are beautiful and are having a great career. What takes us, again, to another level: The pression of paparazzi. They are everywhere, and this can explain the fear of look bad in their cameras perspective. After walls the photos will certainly appear in a magazine and the public eyes are very critical.
When we where almost finishing the class, David gave us a text and asked us to read it in load voice. The title was “Little miss perfect” and talked about Nazanin Afshin-Jam (“she’s a Miss World finalist, a pop star and a human-rights campaigner...”).
That’s all (I think).
Susana Costa
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Class Summary: November 13
Hi there!
I’m the one chosen to do the summary of Tuesday’s class, so...
We started off with a worksheet, in which we had to correct some mistakes of our self-presentations. David showed us our texts, already online. This was followed by the distribution of a printed, corrected and marked version of those same texts.
If you think you have problems with grammar or writing, go talk to David, because he told us about a nice grammar book that will help us surpass our difficulties.
For those who love theatre, David invited us to go watch a play called “The Virtuoso” (I searched about it and found this: http://lazer.publico.clix.pt/artigo.asp?id=186533) and told us to let him know if we’re interested or not.
Before the end of the class, we did exercises 1, pages 32 and 33. Finally, we discussed what women and men look for in a person: physical or psychological characteristics? Or both?
The last subject, to end up this summary, was about giving our opinion in what concerns our sociability: are we sociable nowadays? Do we (like to) go out with our friends? Or do we rather stay at home, chatting with them on the Internet?
That’s it, I think. :X
See you next Thursday!
Sara Santos *
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Cheila Rodrigues
Lewis Carrol in Alice in Wonderland
My name is not Alice, at least I'm sure of that.
In a hot morning of July I was born in Leiria, at an old hospital that still rests by the Lis river. My home town is full of oak trees, and pines, and an everlasting castle that posesseses all the city, all the places... Those are the things I still carry inside of me, the peace of the low waters, the pollen's mark everywhere. My childhood was the most suitable world, a dream that only existed because of my innocence, magic and fantasy, breathing, hidden, even from me. I grew up near by my beloved grandmother, who took me into gardens, stories, and the far most important thing in my life, poetry. It was her as well that taught me to paint. I will always feel this debt towards her, and I will always embrace that memory of happiness for itself, and truth at its most elevated state.
The years kept passing by as the waters of the Lis. soon, not only the mirror told me how I was different from myself, but everything, inside or outside, for good and for bad, I was different. Much more different than the others, those who danced in circles, around my life, ghosts - still dancing by my grave.
and "Oh, the guilt", those years, those scars I drew around my days, madness and sadness, revolt inside my head. Those arrows that I was so eager to throw at something, as I wanted to throw the guilt at someone else. Someone who deserved it, who reclaimed it and back then couldn't afford to keep it. All those crossroads within my brain took me to places and journeys that have drawn, with the pencil of my childhood, the admirable net between the great decadence of any human, the imagination stuck inside, the need for shelter. And my shelter would be Unconsciousness. Travelling inside, I could again breathe freely, and run sincerely, without the need to impress or to avoid any contact. My golden silence echoed night after night in my head. I could hear it, and feel myself growing, blooming.
For everyone comes a lifetime experience that most of the people don't quite notice. It is the Enigma of Life. My enigma turned out to be the same one as Alice's. There was a wise Caterpillar smoking something new near to my mushroom. I was watching the clouds in their mutant parade, when the smell of smoke came to me. I looked into the caterpillar's eyes, and from its smooth voice I heard the words 'who are you?'. The question still haunts me. it still remains untouched. Who am I?
I share the same confusing feeling with Alice. All my short and distorted life I have been running after The White Rabit of Time, of Illusion. I have been drowned in my own pool of tears, and i fought my own batles against the Cheshire Cat inside of me, always finding a new way to lose myself. I have been the bad weed between the shining flowers. I have been the curiosity that burns forever in my eyes. Oh, and how hard I tried many times to explain myself to the caterpillar, even if it was just to answer myself in the end. I've been everything, like air and water, that common feeling of pagan peace. I've been blind with faith like a nun. But most of all I've been the other Alice, the one that didn't wake up at the end of the story. The one that never came out of the garden.
The leaves of my early youth are falling in my head.
Who am I still?
Who am I again?
Cheila S Collaço Rodrigues
Jairo Santos
I introduce myself to the world
Here one sets oneself free
By discovering the thread
In the pit of the labyrinth
All ages rule here at once
Faces fit onto faces
And distance finishes
By confusing us with ourselves
Time is a filled-in lagoon
A tongue of earth thrust from the water
A mythic eternal blue mountain
A pillar raised facing the bay
Here centuries die and are reborn
To nourish human desires
They leave all the better to return
Here the absent are never wrong…”
(Amina Saïd, translated by Marilyn Hacked)
I decided to introduce myself by using translated poetry, for two reasons: first of all, because I wanted you guys to focus on the kind of work we are going to be doing "very soon". Isn’t it an amazing art? For a long time I've wished to be a translator and of course it’s probably useless to say how happy I am to have joined this group.
However, it's not easy to be a student-worker, I just think that every day when I get up and come to university, I make one more step to making my dream come true, and then, the hours don't count anymore, neither those I work, not those I study nor those few I sleep. I just want to enjoy every single minute I share with you all and learn as much as I can. I only wish I had more time... well, that's life...
The second reason is because the text explains a little of what I feel when I meet you everyday; here we come together as one. All the differences don't exist anymore. We become a team and that's the beautiful part.
I’m Jairo, 36, Brazilian, and I work in a restaurant in Bairro Alto. I like my job very much however it takes a lot of my time. I love travelling, dancing (also if I don't do it very often); I like to go to the gym, to the cinema and of course I love to go out and have a good meal with friends. If you want to know more about myself, don't be shy, I already know you aren't, so, ask me :-)
Marlene Silva
How old am I? Do the Maths – 10+10 that’s = to my age.
I live in Almada with my mother and 3 brothers.
I consider myself a good girl, friend of my friends and family.
My favourite thing to do in he world is to go out at night with my friends.
Did I tell you that I love to dance? OK!
You know, what annoys me more than anything is to be without doing anything. I don’t like to be alone just when I have to be.
My purpose in life is to be successful in everything I do. I don’t ask for much, just what any person would want to have, happiness. I guess this is all I want to say about myself.
I hope we can all continue to get on very well.
A big hug,
Marlene Silva.
Carlos Walgood Santos

I live in Rio de Mouro, Sintra, and I have many hobbies. One of my favourite hobbies is to listen to music, especially RAP or Hip Hop which for me are among the many types of music that have more of a message to pass to the listeners, and for me every type of music that has lyrics has to have a message. Without message or just with commercial lyrics I prefer not to listen.
But talking about more hobbies or subjects that interest me, I can say that I have a big interest in politics, and in important subjects for the people. This is linked to the fact of my being communist.
I can add to this list of hobbies doing sports such as Basketball, Football, and Cycling although, to my sorrow, I am not able to do them due to the lack of time that I have since the school year has started.
Well there is my introduction and I hope that this year could be good and great for all.
Amélia Santos

But not everything is bad! We have more responsabilities, it is true, but we also have more freedom to go out and to manage our money the way we think best. It is a way to prepare us for the future because we must discovery how to manage our lives without our parents' help.
My hobbies are very usual: I like to go out with my friends, I like to dance, I love to go shopping (like most of girls I think!) and the list goes on...I don't practise any sport at the moment but I have already practised swimming and dance, such as ballet, hip-hop and belly dance.
I hope this semester goes well and I also hope that our class matches David's expectations.
Ana Rodrigues

Carolina Castaňo
Day by day, I see myself playing different roles. I am a dreamer: I can play the role of the confident girl ready to dance on the stage; the girl searching for an answer who sees no space or time; the nostalgic girl loving all the moments saved in photographs; the girl who laughs and cries…
All these girls have something in common. The passion for music, the power of words playing with melody; the passion for her friends, the belief in genuine feelings and relationships; the passion for images; the passion for the majority of arts. I have grown developing these passions, every chapter of my life has a song, a picture, a face. I can not separate my life from these features.
My current favourite artists are Jamie Cullum, Snow Patrol, Pearl Jam, Radiohead, Dave Matthews Band, Jeff Buckley, Five Times August, Death Cab For Cutie, John Mayer, Jason Mraz, Damien Rice, The Arcade Fire, Interpol, Bloc Party, Editors, Norah Jones, Daniel Bendingfield, Kate Nash and Justin Timberlake.
I love to walk, I like to discover Lisbon by foot, I often go to Baixa-Chiado and to Saldanha. I enjoy going to the cinema with my friends, specially a friend who lives in Brussels and visits me every vacation. I attend a lot of gigs with friends I invite. I like to see TV series with my brother. We watch “Prison Break”, “Lost”, “Dr. House”, “Grey’s Anatomy”, “Weeds” and “Heroes”. I have been thinking of collecting DVDs, specially of films and series I missed like “Six Feet Under”, “The O.C.” – the fourth season, “Moulin Rouge” – my favourite movie, and many more. One of my favourite hobbies is to follow Sporting play their its stadium. I am a season ticket holder and my seat is next to my family and I follow the training teams too. I usually meet my friends and we go out at night sometimes to some bars or discos.
My dream is to develop my skills in dance as much as I can and use them in various types of music genders, in spite of not having any training when I was little. I also have the hope of taking this dream to London as I also have a passion for this city. I collect photos, books and objects related to London.
I may not know the role I should play in my life, but I will always look for something that fills my passions and tastes.
Sandra Fernandes
Had a few jobs and at the age of 22 I left Porto and moved to Lisbon! I did it for love :-D yes, once again I admit that I’m a dreamer! Although this I do not regret!
Since I finished school I’ve been yearning to go to the University but I guess I never had the courage, and I had to keep up with my new duties (house, car, everything to pay from my own pocket!) so I couldn’t stop working. Now I regret I haven’t done it before, “I’m loving it” and after all, being away from school for 14 years makes a “nice” difference! It’s quite singular to be in a class with so many fresh minds… huuuummmm… how I miss those days, that vivacity, those “were the days”!!! So if you allow me to dare I’ll leave you a piece of advice: Enjoy it well, listen, observe, learn, and have loads of fun!
The other reason that made me want to go back to school was the fact that I’ve always wanted to learn more all through these years I’ve been learning a lot, from the courses I took and all the jobs I had, but now I feel that it’s time to learn something that I choose, something to make me feel that when I’m studying I’m not just learning, I’m having great pleasure from this.
Cynthia Tiny

I was born in lisbon but I'm really from Sao Tomé and Principe.
Felipe Vourakis
Well, same-o... Yellow! My name is Felipe Vourakis Barbosa, 27.
As practically all of you already know I am Brazilian and, as any other good Brazilian, I have Portuguese ancestry but I have got also Greek and only God knows what else.
It is been only 5 months since I have come to Portugal (Lisbon) and I am really enjoying life here despite all the go-back-to-your-country looks ‘they’ give me when my accent pops out into some conversation.
However, I have realized by now that ‘they’ are the saddest folks around (every country has got
some of them) and well, let us put the ironical idea of having Brazilians invading Portugal aside and understand that practically all nations are to have such immigration numbers nowadays due to simple facts, for example, that we have now more efficient ways of transportation. Lifestyles are changing at the speed of a jet plane…
I have not talked much about myself yet so, here I go:
I have got the nicest Brazilian girl as my girlfriend convinced to come to Portugal to live with me.
Her name is Flavia, 28, (the girl in the picture) and she is also a student of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, working on her master’s degree.
As some of you must know, it is kind of hard to be far away from home sometimes and by now, I am really missing my dear Brasilia but I find it is important for my personal development to live abroad, experimenting new cultures among new people.
See you good people in our good classroom in the presence of our good old teacher David.
José Abreu II ^^

Hi there Class 2.1 of English =), for those who don’t know me, I’m José Abreu. I chose “Tradução” (yes, I know how to say translation, but tradução sounds manlier!! =P) course and my two languages are English and Spanish. As some of you already know, my workplace is at Vasco da Gama’s Worten; I work full-time at the after-sale support, thus the reason of not attending classes for a while now, soon I’ll be free to go every day.
Well, since this work is a mean to introduce ourselves, I guess I’ll start with the things I like to do. I like to rest! =) How’s that for an activity...No? Just kidding, I like very much to play football, even though I’m no Cristiano Ronaldo, I like streetwear, watches, Ball caps, I like to go shopping (yes girls! a boy who likes shopping!! ^^ ), and the thing I like, no, the thing I love most is to listening to music and making music!
I consider myself an eclectic person when it comes to listening music; every genre has its good and bad aspects. My preference goes to Rap Music. Not every kind of rap, I like real lyricists who can put up a song with double meaning, with lots of analogies, metaphors, and with nice cadence and rhythmic flow. I guess you’ll have plenty of time to get to know me and to know the things I like and dislike. See you at campus!
I have to thank David for being as understanding as he is concerning my work-study situation, I hope to be soon free to see you all in a daily bases!
José Abreu
Bruno Carvalho

I was born in 1984 (yes, that makes me older then the majority of you) and live in Almada.
I spent a couple of years trying to figure out what to do with myself, and finally decided to come to university. So here I am, still adapting to this new chapter of my life. So far, it is being a positive experience. Still, having to get up at 6.30 in the morning has been particularly difficult for me in these first weeks.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Rita Ferrão
Maria Pereira
I am here to study Translation. I had never viewed this course as a possibility until I started subtitling Lost episodes whenever the downloads with brand new episodes were available.
I work at the Lisbon Zoo as a guide during the school year and as a youth worker during the holidays. During Summer, I work with groups of kids from 6 to 15 years old and entertain them with activities in the Zoo. If it paid well enough, I would already have found my dream job.
I spent 2 years in Nursing School, but I dropped out because that was not for me. It is a very rewarding and respectful profession, but I do not fit well in it. Besides Translation, I am also currently attending the 2nd year of an Acupuncture degree at APA-DA.
During my free time, I try to keep myself busy. I spend a lot of time with my best friends, mostly doing crazy activities. I love going to the cinema and watching TV shows and I must confess I am kind of geeky in as far as those matters are concerned. I also write every now and then.
I am funny and brutally honest and I do not like secrets, because I believe they make people unhappy. So, if there is anything you would like to know, just ask me, I am an open book.
Renata Azevedo
This is not my first year at university. In fact, I am finishing a degree in Theatre – Acting at the School of Theatre and Film (ex-Conservatoire), which makes this my fifth year of university studies.
I studied in Bratislava for three months last year – one of the strongest life experiences I have ever had. I have also had other small adventures, as I used to spend the holidays with my parents, siblings and family friends, travelling around West Europe in a caravan.
I love learning, reading, watching films, writing, travelling and (unfortunately) sleeping. Together with learning languages, you can understand why I chose Translation (also because my wallet can not be happy onlywith a theatre producer’s wage ).
Yes, in fact I studied acting but work as a producer. I founded my own theatre company with three friends last March and we are poor but very happy. Oh well… We do theatre for young students (5th to 12th grade), and we aim to give them a different view of Portuguese literature (less serious, less formal) through comedy.
I have a passion for books. I used to eat pieces of magazines even before I could walk. I guess that was my way of reading: I devoured books. George Orwell, Bertrand Russell and Somerset Maugham are between my favourite writers (and yes, I would tell the French teacher the same).
Luís Dragonov

Name's Luís and I'm pretty much your average, world-weary, 20-year-young man. I wish I could say I was a man of wealth but I guess I'll stick with being a man of taste. I enjoy art of all kinds but I have to admit I'm not eager to bask in the modern, abstract arts with all their violent expressions, vague imagery or bled colours splayed across a canvas, of a bunch of cans welded together or a crack running through the floor. After all, art is an expression – an expression of the artist's soul. If its point and meaning is left entirely to the audience, then it is not art. It is a prop and the artist becomes little more than a fisherman, casting a line and trying to pick on alien and outside-born sentiments.
Most would say that I have a rather sardonic and all-pervasive sense of humor but I don't relish or enjoy it. It's amusing to see others laugh and giggle but it tires me and I wish I could be more serious. I just can't help it – it's like being stuck on automatic, your mouth speaking before your brain can stop and perk its brow at what's commng out of it. I wish I could just stop being excessively funny.
College has been, thus far, a new experience that is both cathartic and frightening. It is my first taste, albeit a bit dim and gentle, of the real world – a world where you have to chase your own goals through your own means. It's scary, much akin to not knowing where your next step will land, but it is also a learning experience. And not just in the academic sense but also on a very real, very personal manner.
On the academic side, however, it's a bit more vague than I was expecting. There's hardly a yardstick to continuously measure my progress and the quality of my work. Seriously? I never thought I would miss the torrent of monthly tests that I endured throughout my primary and secondary schooling years, but I do!
I suppose I'm still getting used to it – 'it' being the routine, the faculty and the people. I can feel my voice tangling up before I read and I kind of jump at the questions, trying to (I suppose) prove myself in one way or the other, only to, of course, fail most of the time.
But things are looking up. I am growing, both as a young adult and as a future professional, and I'm getting to know my collegues better. Hopefully I'll be able to show what I'm really capable of.
Sara Santos

I’m Sara Santos and I’m 18 years old.
José Abreu

For those who don’t know me, I’m José Abreu.
I consider myself an eclectic person when it comes to listening to music; every genre has its good and bad aspects. My preference goes to Rap Music. Not every kind of rap; I like real lyricists who can put out a song with double meaning, with lots of analogies, metaphors, and with a nice cadence and rhythmic flow.
Saul Santos

Ana Teresa Sousa

Well, my favorite band of all time is the Rolling Stones. I started listening to the Stones when I was about 10 because of my father. We actually went together to their shows here in Portugal and seeing dad rocking there was really funny!
I love almost all the music of the 80’s and 90’s from rock to “Brit pop” like Blur or Oasis. But now I’m really into an alternative rock, sort of indie like The Libertines.
Isabel Ruivo
In my free time, I like to read, to go to the cinema, listen to music (which I am always doing, by the way) and go out with my friends.
I also hope I can make and maintain friends here, because, in my opinion, it makes everything easier!
Melissa Coelho
If you didn’t know yet, my name is Mélissa Coelho-Carpentier and I’m in your class of English for the first semester. As you can see from my last name, I’m Portuguese and Canadian. I was born in Montréal. I moved here two years ago... two wonderful years. It was my decision to come and live here and I have never regretted it. Even when I came to see my grandparents a few times, I fell in love with Portugal.
Here I am: twenty years old and I’m the second child of a family of four. I have one older sister and two younger brothers. Oh! And I have been an aunt for four months and a half and I am really proud (“Tia babada”).
I am now living in Saldanha with my six cousins! Living with them is a great experience. I enjoy living here in Lisbon. Definitely, I prefer big cities. In my free time, I like practicing sports: volleyball, tennis and swimming. I also like watching movies and dancing…I love dancing!
I hope I’ll finish my degree course, Languages, Literatures and Cultures (French and English) in three years and learn as much as possible.
Sara Ribeiro
I have a 5-year-old brother whose teeth have just begun falling out making him even more funny and cute than he was before. My father is a musician and my mother works in a bank, which are two very different areas of society but that was never a problem for us. Well, living with an artist is not always easy but it is very helpful when you want to get tickets for free.
Síliva Jesus

My name is Sílvia Jesus, I am 20 years old (really close to 21 \o/ ) and I am a worker student - at least for a little longer...I work at a law firm as a secretary (I will have to quit in order to attend classes because the job is from 9:00 to 18:30 - totally incompatible!).
Monday, November 5, 2007
Online Communities
Last time I wrote a post here, I said I'd do another one soon about my favorite online communities. You can look me up on any of them, as I'm pretty active on these that I'm going to post. So here they go:
I know I might sound a bit obsessed here, but again with PostSecret. There's a community now, and it's the nicest and most comprehensive place online, so if you want to meet nice people, or just share your secrets, go there.
Because most of us are on a course related to languages, here is PhraseBase. It deals with pretty much every language there is. Besides being able to get and to offer help, you can go into "language exchange", which means you help someone with a language you know, and that someone helps you with a language they know.
Again, for friends and practicing fluency, E-pal World. The name pretty much explains itself, so I'll leave it at that.
For you music lovers out there who, like me, enjoy finding new and great bands, PureVolume. You can either create an "Artist" or a "Listener" account.
DeviantArt. One of my biggest online passions, and one that I really enjoy spending money in. DeviantArt is the biggest Art community online, with categories ranging from Photography to Traditional to Film to Culinary Art, and with artists both proffessional and amateur. Not only that, they do a lot for the real world as well, being actively involved in several charity events.
As you probably noticed, these are all English, and if you want to be understood in any of them, you'll have to speak English. So yay, more fluency for us! :)
Also, if there's any community you love and that I don't know of (or didn't post), feel free to tell me and get me addicted.